How To Join
“To Be One Ask One”
In order to join the fraternity of Freemasonry, all you have to do is ask. You do not have to already know a Mason to be eligible for membership. Contact us here for details.
Equality For All
Admission to membership in our lodges is extended to men of faith based upon their personal merit and good character, without reference to race, creed, sexual orientation, specific religion or national origin. The universality of our practice is reflected in the broad range of backgrounds to be found here.
In a Masonic Lodge, the President of the United States would be considered equal to the newest member. When Washington, Truman, or the Roosevelt’s sat in Lodge, they were addressed as Brother. Everyone is “on the level” and is judged by how he lives in the community and upholds the tenets of the Fraternity. As long as he is “on the square” with his brethren, he will be well regarded.
Groveport-Lockbourne is a Lodge that is always looking towards the future. Ancient traditions with a progressive 21st century fellowship is what you’ll find within our hallowed halls.
The Fraternity
The three degrees you will then receive teach serious moral and ethical lessons. When you complete your third or Master Mason Degree, you will be a full-fledged member. As a Master Mason, you have many rights and privileges, including visitation privileges to sit in Masonic Lodges throughout the world.
Masonry is a family organization, and Lodge activities frequently include the families. There are related organizations for of the family. Our youth groups are the Order of DeMolay for boys and Job’s Daughters and the Order of the Rainbow for girls. Affiliated sororities are The Order of Eastern Star, White Shrine of Jerusalem, and The Amaranth. Each group or order has its particular charity that it works to support.
What This Means For You
It is up to you to take the next step. You must ask for a Petition for Membership if you want to become a Freemason.
We look forward to greeting you as a Fraternal Brother.